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Shaheen Statement on President Trump's Executive Order Regarding Separation of Families at the Southern Border

(Washington)—U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) issued the following statement after President Trump signed an executive order regarding the separation of families at the Southern border:

“The Trump administration’s policy of separating families is deeply immoral and has no justification,” said Shaheen. “What the President signed today is not a solution as it leaves children indefinitely in detention and is a violation of the law. This is a crisis entirely of the President’s making and he can reverse it immediately. I am incredibly concerned for the children who have already been separated from their parents and are being housed in detention facilities and with foster families. The Trump administration must immediately make every effort to reunite them with their parents. I remain deeply troubled by President Trump’s attempt to use children as hostages in order to gain leverage with Congress on his agenda. I continue to work across the aisle to strengthen our border and fix our broken immigration system. Rather than resorting to grossly inhumane policies, President Trump should finally work with Congress to pass bipartisan immigration reform.”