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Shaheen urges action on climate change in Paris

Senator from New Hampshire one of nine U.S. senators at U.N. conference

Paris, France -Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D, New Hampshire) joined nine other democratic senators to stress the "urgency of the issue" of climate change at the the U.N. climate conference in Paris.

Shaheen said that most Americans realize that climate change is already happening.

During talks Saturday morning, she said that a recent Pew Research Center poll showed that two-thirds of Americans understand climate change.

"But it doesn't matter what we do in New Hampshire. It doesn't matter what we do in the United States if we can't get the world to move to address climate change. And that's what these negotiations are all about," Shaheen said.

The democratic senators at the conference say a binding global agreement to limit greenhouse gas emissions could be reached in Paris.

World leaders did agree on a draft agreement.