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NH Congressional Delegation Calls for Additional COVID-19 Relief Package

 (Washington, DC) -- U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and Representatives Annie Kuster (NH-02) and Chris Pappas (NH-01) are calling on Congressional leadership to move forward on an additional, comprehensive COVID-19 relief package that meets the needs that they have heard from Granite Staters.

"We write today calling for Congress to step up and deliver critical, comprehensive COVID-19 relief when we reconvene after Thanksgiving," wrote the NH Congressional Delegation. "As cases continue to surge in our state and across the country, our health care providers and communities need additional relief now to help save lives – and we must come together across party lines, as we did earlier this year, to swiftly deliver additional relief."

The NH Congressional Delegation detailed a number of critical needs for the next package, including additional resources for public health that could support hospitals, nursing homes, the supply of personal protective equipment, and vaccine distribution efforts. They also voiced the need for additional resources for schools, businesses, and state and local governments that are facing significant challenges right now.

In addition, the NH Congressional Delegation pushed for more funding to help individuals, including for those who are facing housing instability. "We need to provide more resources to support those who are most vulnerable – including through additional direct assistance, expanded unemployment benefits, and a significant investment in funding for housing and to address homelessness," wrote the NH Congressional Delegation.

You can read the full letter from the NH Congressional Delegation here.