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PHOTO RELEASE: Shaheen's Office Helps Granite Staters Return Home

Javier Jimenez and family in Exeter

Javier Jimenez and family finally home in Exeter

Javier Jimenez and family in Peru

Javier Jimenez, Julie Givens and family in Peru

(Washington, DC)—U.S. Senator Shaheen (D-NH) announced today that her office successfully helped several Granite Staters return home who were stranded in foreign countries because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Julie Givens, Javier Jimenez and their three children recently returned home to Exeter from Peru after being stranded for several weeks. Senator Shaheen’s office helped arrange for the Exeter family to board a flight organized by the State Department to bring Americans home. Senator Shaheen’s office also assisted Paul Blaisdell of Northfield who was on a work trip to El Salvador. Senator Shaheen’s office was able to get Mr. Blaisdell on a manifest for a U.S.-bound flight arranged by the U.S. government.  

“The COVID-19 crisis has been an incredibly stressful time for all Americans, but particularly for travelers who have been stranded overseas,” said Shaheen. “I’m very glad these Granite Staters are finally safely home. I encourage anyone who is struggling to return from a foreign country, or knows someone in this situation, to contact my office at (603) 647-7500. I continue to work with my staff to help return other Granite Staters who are still in foreign countries. It’s important for these travelers to know that someone is working on their behalf and that we won’t let up until they’re safely back in New Hampshire.”

"Thank you to Senator Shaheen's office for helping to advocate for our family and many others to return home as quickly as possible,” said Julie Givens. “We are grateful to the people there for keeping us informed, and for making us feel that we were not forgotten.  It felt like a long road as we waited to leave Peru, and the uncertainty was difficult. We are so happy to be back home in New Hampshire, and we are so thankful to the many people who supported us in the process of returning."