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Senate Passes Bipartisan Congressional Gold Medal Act to Honor Doris Moore of Portsmouth and Other Members of the Six Triple Eight Battalion

**The Six Triple Eight was the Only All-Black, All-Female Battalion to Serve Overseas During World War II**

(Washington, DC) – The U.S. Senate passed bipartisan legislation last week, cosponsored by U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Maggie Hassan (D-NH), to award a Congressional Gold Medal to the women of the Six Triple Eight Battalion, which was the only all-Black, all-female battalion serving overseas during World War II and included Portsmouth native Doris Moore. The 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion served during World War II both at home and in Europe, where members sorted and routed mail for millions of American service members and civilians.

“I’m pleased to see the Senate pass this bill to recognize the incredible contributions of the only all-Black, all-female battalion during World War II – the Six Triple Eight Battalion. New Hampshire’s own Doris Moore was part of the battalion that valiantly served overseas, and a Congressional Gold Medal to honor their service is long overdue,” said Senator Shaheen. “I hope this bill swiftly passes the House and heads to the White House for President Biden’s signature to recognize their sacrifice and patriotism.”

“The trailblazing women of the Six Triple Eight are American heroes who for too long have been denied the recognition that they deserve,” said Senator Hassan. “Portsmouth’s Doris Moore is among the women who served in this groundbreaking battalion and helped sort and send mail to service members back home and in Europe. I am deeply honored to be a part of bipartisan efforts to award these women with Congress’ highest honor, and I urge the House to quickly pass this legislation so that the President can sign it into law.”

“Doris Moore’s service in the Six Triple Eight has made our family very proud of her,” said Doris Moore’s nieces, Sarah Bodge, Gail Pettiford, Elizabeth Pettiford, and Doris Terry. “Doris took pride in wearing her uniform along with her fellow sisters of color who served with her in the United States Army. These brave women served with pride and fortitude as they experienced racial bias and limited notation. As a family, we are just as proud of her now as we were when our grandmother, who was a Service Star mother, displayed the Service Star in her window at her home in Portsmouth, New Hampshire during the war.

“We thank Senators Hassan, Shaheen, and their colleagues for your efforts in this notable recognition, and for initiating the Six Triple Eight Congressional Gold Medal of Honor Act, which recognizes the contributions of Doris Moore and other African American women who diligently served the call to duty for our country. We as a family are delighted the Senate passed the bill recognizing the Six Triple Eight and we urge the House to pass the bill as well. 
