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(Washington, D.C.)- The precinct of Haverhill Corner and the town of Marlborough are receiving Water and Waste Disposal Loans and Grants from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Rural Development, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen announced today.

Haverhill Corner's money will be used to install a new water storage tank and for other upgrades.  Marlborough's funds will go towards replacing wells that do not meet the standards of the Environmental Protection Agency.

"I'm glad to see these areas of New Hampshire able to innovate and update with this much-needed money," Shaheen said. "These improvements are crucial to keeping New Hampshire towns healthy, safe, and able to meet modern environmental standards."

More specifically, the precinct of Haverhill Corner will use the funds to install a new 340,000 gallon water storage tank, a system demand meter, three automatic air release valves, and a raw water collection box overflow system. The current water storage tank allows entry by insects and small animals and its design promotes stagnation of the water. The precinct will also repair their monitoring building. Rural Development approved a loan of $535,000 and a grant of $228,400 for Haverhill Corner.  The town has already spent $109,000 worth of local funds on the project.  The loan has to be paid back with local funds.

"This money means a lot to the precinct of Haverhill Corner. We're a rural farming community and our water system provides fresh, clean drinking water to our residents. Without this grant, and the loan that comes with it, we couldn't afford this project," said Rick Ladd, commissioner for the precinct of Haverhill Corner. "We have a number of small farms that are depending on the water for their families and their cattle. This is just invaluable."

In Marlborough, Rural Development funds will be used to drill two new wells to replace existing wells which do not meet Environmental Protection Agency requirements. Rural Development has approved a loan of $700,000 and a grant of $295,000 for Marlborough. The loan has to be paid back with local funds.

"The Town of Marlborough has a public water supply that uses two wells that are over 50 years old and do not meet any modern standards," said John Northcott, Chairman, Board of Selectmen, Marlborough. "The grant and loan will enable the town to develop two modern wells that meet all the latest health and safety standards."