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Shaheen Briefs Salem & Derry-Londonderry Chambers of Commerce on COVID-19 Relief Priorities


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Shaheen answers questions from members of the Salem and Derry-Londonderry Chambers of Commerce during her virtual meeting. The event can be viewed here.

Later: Shaheen Hosted Virtual Meeting with NH Job Corps Students & Staff amid COVID-19 Crisis 

9.1.20 job corps

Shaheen listens to New Hampshire Job Corps students and staff speak about the positive impact the program has had on their lives and livelihoods.

(Manchester, NH) – Today, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) hosted a virtual meeting with members of the Greater Salem and Greater Derry-Londonderry Chambers of Commerce and provided an update on her efforts to secure additional relief for Granite State families and businesses in upcoming COVID-19 response legislation. As New Hampshire’s reopening process continues, many of the hardest-hit families and businesses in the Southern Tier of the state still need financial assistance to weather the economic emergency created by the pandemic. During the meeting, Shaheen discussed her ongoing efforts to secure additional relief for small businesses, support for child care and more. Shaheen also participated in a question and answer session with members of the chambers of commerce.

The event can be viewed here.

“Small businesses are the lifeblood of our local, regional and state economy, and it is essential that they have the support they need to weather and recover from the economic fallout of COVID-19,” said Shaheen. “I appreciated the opportunity to speak with members from the Salem and Derry-Londonderry Chambers of Commerce about what I’m fighting for in future relief, and to get feedback on what they need Congress to prioritize to help them survive this crisis. As the Senate’s legislative session resumes on Monday, I’ll make sure negotiators in Washington hear about what our chambers and communities need most in this overdue COVID response legislation. Senate Majority Leader McConnell’s obstruction and the partisan bickering has to stop so we can get this done for New Hampshire families, communities and small businesses.” 

Later, Shaheen hosted a virtual meeting with students and staff of the New Hampshire Job Corps to hear more about their experiences amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Job Corps provides academic and career training to Granite State youth, including vocational instruction in the advanced manufacturing, construction, health care, homeland security, hospitality and information technology industries. As Governor, Shaheen implemented the state’s first economic development plan that included pursuing a Job Corps center in New Hampshire. Thanks to Shaheen’s efforts, the Senate appropriated funding for construction in 2013. The Job Corps Center was completed in 2015 and can serve 300 students.

“Since its establishment, the New Hampshire Jobs Corps Center has helped inspire and empower young Granite Staters by equipping them with the education and skills they need to be successful in the workplace and find good-paying jobs,” said Shaheen. “As our state’s economy continues to be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, workforce training programs like Job Corps can play an important role in our recovery and provide opportunities to young people in both the short and long term. I enjoyed speaking with such a dedicated, hard-working group of students and staff, and will continue to work to secure additional resources to provide job opportunities and address workplace shortages in New Hampshire.”