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(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen met today with President Obama at the White House to discuss the path to economic recovery and the upcoming budget. Senators Dorgan (D-ND), Lincoln (D-AR) and Begich (D-AK) also attended the meeting.


“It was a great pleasure to meet with President Obama and a few of my Senate colleagues at the White House today to share our concerns and discuss the steps we need to take to get our economy back on track,” said Shaheen. “We discussed some of the serious challenges facing New Hampshire small businesses during this economic crisis. I was also encouraged to hear the President maintain his commitment to three of my top priorities for economic recovery: making serious progress on health care reform, moving our nation toward energy independence, and putting together a plan for fiscal responsibility and a balanced budget. I look forward to working with the President and my Senate colleagues on both sides of the aisle on these and other important issues.”


During the meeting, Shaheen raised her concern that the Small Business Administration is delaying implementing provisions authorized by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to make credit more available and less expensive to small businesses, such as a reduction in loan fees. Shaheen has been meeting with small businesses across the state to hear their first-hand accounts of how the slumping economy is affecting their businesses. Tomorrow she will host a roundtable with economic leaders in Berlin to discuss the unique economic challenges facing North Country residents and businesses, the work Shaheen has already done to benefit the North Country, and the path toward rebuilding the region’s economy.


“This economic crisis poses unique challenges for our state’s small businesses,” continued Shaheen. “The recovery act took some important steps to support small businesses, and from my conversations with business owners across the state, I know we need to implement this assistance as quickly as possible. I was glad to discuss these concerns with the President.”