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Shaheen on Senate Floor Calls for Passage of Bill to Prevent Suspected Terrorists on No Fly List From Purchasing Firearms

 **Asks those opposed to the bill: “If the No-Fly List is not good enough for keeping guns out of the hands of terrorists, why is it worthwhile for protecting commercial airline flights from terrorists?”** 

**Points to due process already in place for those who have been wrongly placed on the No Fly List**

(Washington, DC) – Following the horrific shooting in San Bernardino that was carried out by radicalized individuals, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) today called for passage of legislation that would prohibit suspected terrorists on the federal No Fly List from purchasing firearms. During remarks on the Senate floor, Senator Shaheen brushed back criticism that the legislation doesn’t provide due process for those who may be on the list. Senator Shaheen outlined the significant due process already in place for those on the No Fly List to appeal and have their name removed. She also pointed to the staggering statistic that, between 2004 and 2014, suspected terrorists on the No Fly List were successful 91 percent of the time when they attempted to purchase firearms, with 2,043 known gun sales.

You can watch Senator Shaheen’s remarks here