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Shaheen on Transfer of ISIS Terrorists to U.S. for Trial: “A Giant Step Towards Justice”

(Washington, DC)—U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) issued the following statement as ISIS terrorists known as the “British Beatles” are being flown to the United States to stand trial for murder of American citizens. Senator Shaheen has been working closely with the families of Americans killed by ISIS to make sure these terrorists are brought to trial in the United States.

“The families of James Foley, Peter Kassig, Steven Sotloff and Kayla Mueller have waited a long time for this – today is a giant step towards justice,” said Shaheen. “These terrorists have been in legal limbo for years but thankfully that ambiguity is now over. The families of the Americans murdered by ISIS finally have their day in court on the horizon. Through a thorough trial with all evidence presented, the United States has an opportunity to deliver real justice and honor the memories of James, Peter, Steven and Kayla.”

Shaheen has led calls for this on behalf of the family members of James Foley, Peter Kassig, Steven Sotloff and Kayla Mueller, four Americans killed at the hands of ISIS jihadists.

Shaheen successfully included language in last year’s defense authorization legislation to establish a senior coordinator position within the Executive Branch for all ISIS detainee issues. This position would lead all diplomatic engagements and planning regarding the future of ISIS detainees. 

In 2018, Senator Shaheen travelled to Syria to visit northeast Syria to view the detention facilities housing ISIS terrorists.