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Shaheen Questions U.S. Representative to the United Nations Nominee in Committee Confirmation Hearing

**Shaheen is a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee** 

**Shaheen met with Thomas-Greenfield last month to discuss key international initiatives & policy priorities**

(Washington, DC) – This morning, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) questioned United States Representative to the United Nations (UN) nominee Linda Thomas-Greenfield during a confirmation hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (SFRC). Shaheen – the only woman on SFRC – questioned Thomas-Greenfield on a number of critical global policy priorities, including the need to reestablish American leadership at the UN, the importance of fighting for policies that expand and protect women’s global health, sexual and reproductive rights and working with American partners and allies to stand up to adversaries like Russia.

On today’s hearing, Shaheen said, “The U.S. Representative to the United Nations is significant to America’s role as a world leader. At this critical time, our nation and international community are facing the most challenging global crisis in recent memory – the COVID-19 pandemic – which requires international dialogue and cooperation to resolve. As a career diplomat with over three decades of experience at the State Department, Linda Thomas-Greenfield has the experience and aptitude to engage with our allies and international partners to confront this crisis, and other multilateral challenges that impact our country and the role we play as a global leader. I was glad to have the opportunity to hear more from her this morning on how she would lead the U.S. delegation at the UN to promote key international initiatives and advance U.S. interests. I was especially pleased by her commitment to protect women and families’ access to reproductive health care around the world. Additionally, I was encouraged by her determination to hold the Kremlin accountable for acts of aggression, while balancing the need to work with Russia on areas of mutual interest. I will support her nomination and look forward to helping the Biden administration advance these priorities that are significant to the U.S. and our collective global stability.”

Shaheen met last month with Linda Thomas-Greenfield. Video of Shaheen’s questioning of Thomas-Greenfield can be viewed here.