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Shaheen Statement Ahead of Veterans Day

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) released the following statement ahead of Veterans Day:

“On Veterans Day, we honor and reflect on the tremendous service and sacrifice of the men and women who have served our nation in uniform. New Hampshire has a strong tradition of military service, and I join all Granite Staters in expressing my deepest gratitude to all who have answered the call of duty, especially our service members currently stationed overseas,” said Shaheen.

“This year, we celebrate our veterans at the end of a bitter election season – a time that too often serves to divide our nation rather than bring us together in common purpose. But we must remember that each vote cast was a reminder that we live in a free and democratic society because so many have volunteered to defend that government of the people, by the people, for the people. It is our duty and promise to our veterans that we never forget their service nor lose sight of the freedoms they fought to secure.

“I have sought in the Senate to honor that service by working to ensure that our veterans have access to the health care and the benefits they need, and will always have their well-being at heart in pursuing policies that lift our veteran community up. They have never failed us in service to our nation, and we must not fail them when they return home.”

Tomorrow, Senator Shaheen will deliver remarks at the New Hampshire Veterans Cemetery Veterans Day Ceremony.