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Shaheen Statement on House Impeachment Vote

(Washington, DC)—U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) issued the following statement after the House voted to impeach President Trump:

“Our founders believed, as I believe, that nobody is above the law in this country. That is why they laid out a process for impeachment in the Constitution,” said Shaheen. “As a Senator, I’m going to be a juror in any impeachment trial and that means I have a duty to withhold judgement, encourage a fair process and make a determination impartially.”

“However, this impeachment process should not stop Congress from addressing urgent kitchen table issues important to Americans, such as lowering drug prices, making health care more affordable, supporting our veterans and safeguarding our national security. Majority Leader McConnell has been holding up bipartisan legislation that helps America’s middle class for far too long and his blockade must come to an end.”