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Shaheen Statement on the Congressional Budget Office’s Report That Shows Trumpcare Causes 24 Million Fewer Insured Americans Over the Next Ten Years

SHAHEEN: This report “confirms our worst fears about the catastrophic impact of Trumpcare.”

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) issued the following statement after the Congressional Budget Office issued its report, which found that Trumpcare would leave 24 million more people uninsured by 2026 while increasing out-of-pocket healthcare costs:

“This nonpartisan report from the Congressional Budget Office confirms our worst fears about the catastrophic impact of Trumpcare,” said Shaheen. “President Trump and Republican leadership do not have a mandate to throw 24 million Americans off of their healthcare. Trumpcare would result in higher healthcare costs and less coverage which will be devastating for Granite Staters. It would also roll back the progress we have made in combating the opioid epidemic. I’ll continue to stand up for Granite State families and fight against this partisan attempt to undermine healthcare coverage in this country. Republican leadership in Congress should withdraw this disastrous bill and work with Democrats to improve the Affordable Care Act.”