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SHAHEEN: Trump’s Immigration Executive Order is Un-American, Grossly Inhumane and Abandons Iraqis Who Have Helped the United States

**SHAHEEN: “We owe a tremendous debt to the brave Iraqis who have stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Americans in the field … To abandon them now would be a stain on our national honor.”**

(Washington, DC)—Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) issued the following statement after reviewing the executive order signed by President Trump that bars refugees and citizens from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen. The order also prevents Iraqis who supported the U.S. mission and face threats as a result, from coming to the United States.  

“This executive order is un-American and grossly inhumane,” said Shaheen. “We are a nation of immigrants and should remain welcoming to all nations and faiths, particularly those who are fleeing violence and oppression. Refugees, from Syria in particular, are fleeing unspeakable terror and hunger, and it’s unconscionable that the United States will no longer provide any of these refugees a safe haven.

“This order also endangers our troops and diplomats. Discriminating based on religion and nationality severely undermines the local alliances and trust established by our troops and diplomats in the field. This order is so ill-considered that it is even barring Iraqi civilians who have provided essential assistance to the U.S. mission. We owe a tremendous debt to the brave Iraqis who have stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Americans in the field, putting themselves and their families at risk to help our soldiers and diplomats accomplish their mission and return home safely. To abandon them now would be a stain on our national honor.”