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Bill #
Bill Description
Cosponsored — Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act of 2012
Cosponsored — School Access to Emergency Epinephrine Act
Cosponsored — A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that Congress should “Go Bigâ€? in its attempts toward deficit reduction.
Cosponsored — A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that Congress should "Go Big" in its attempts toward deficit reduction.
Sponsored — A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of American Diabetes Month.
Sponsored — A resolution designating the week of November 14 through 20, 2011, as "Global Entrepreneurship Week/USA".
Sponsored — A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of American Diabetes Month.
Cosponsored — Fair And Immediate Release of Generic Drugs Act
Sponsored — A resolution designating the week of November 14 through 20, 2011, as “Global Entrepreneurship Week/USAâ€?.
Cosponsored — A resolution designating November 26, 2011, as "Small Business Saturday" and supporting efforts to increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses.
Cosponsored — A resolution designating November 26, 2011, as “Small Business Saturdayâ€? and supporting efforts to increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses.
Cosponsored — A resolution designating 2012 as the “Year of the Girlâ€? and congratulating Girl Scouts of the USA on its 100th anniversary.
Cosponsored — A resolution designating 2012 as the "Year of the Girl" and Congratulating Girl Scouts of the USA on its 100th anniversary.
Cosponsored — A resolution supporting the preservation of Internet entrepreneurs and small businesses.
Cosponsored — A resolution supporting the preservation of Internet entrepreneurs and small businesses.
Cosponsored — A bill to prohibit discrimination in adoption or foster case placements based on the sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status of any prospective adoptive or foster parent, or the sexual orientation or gender identity of the child involved.
Cosponsored — A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relating to contributions and expenditures intended to affect elections.
Cosponsored — A bill to promote local and regional farm and food systems, and for other purposes.
Cosponsored — A bill to put workers back on the job while rebuilding and modernizing America.