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Shaheen Calls for Additional Funding to Advance U.S. National Security Priorities

Watch Shaheen’s remarks in full here.

(Washington, DC) – Today, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) joined Democratic Leadership, including Leader Chuck Schumer, to speak on the importance of importance of bolstering our national security and supporting our allies and partners by ensuring Congress works in a bipartisan manner to pass the supplemental funding bill for assistance to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan and the border requested by President Biden.

Key quotes from Senator Shaheen’s remarks:

  • “The supplemental bill is about whether we're going to be on the side of the civilized world, or on the side of those terrorist organizations, those autocratic dictators, who represent depravity. In its entirety this package would bolster our own national security in so many ways.”
  • “Our enduring support for Ukraine sends a strong message to other dictators that the United States is going to stand on the side of democracy. And make no mistake: there is a nexus between what is happening in Ukraine and what's happening in Israel. If we're concerned about Iran, we need to support Ukraine and Israel in the supplemental because there have been reports that Iran, which already supplies Russia with lethal drones that they're using in Ukraine, is also backing Hamas, as we all know, in their brutal campaign of terror.”
  • “I want to raise one issue that's also part of the supplemental that's about our own security—and that's what's happening at the border. For those of us who live in states that are still being dramatically affected by the opioid epidemic and by fentanyl, that is an investment that is critical to try and get the fentanyl epidemic under control.”
  • “I hope that as a Congress, we're going to step up in a bipartisan way and pass the supplemental and show the world that we are on the side of fighting oppression, of fighting dictators, of fighting terrorist organizations.”
