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Shaheen Denounces Senate Republican Bill That Repeals New Hampshire's Medicaid Expansion, Defunds Planned Parenthood

SHAHEEN: A vote for this bill is a vote to deny Granite Staters access to health care

(Washington, DC)— Today, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) strongly denounced Republican legislation that would repeal key parts of the Affordable Care Act and defund Planned Parenthood. The Senate is expected to vote on this legislation by the end of the week.  

“A vote for this bill is a vote to deny Granite Staters access to health care,” said Shaheen. “In New Hampshire, this reckless proposal would revoke healthcare coverage for over 44,000 low-income families now covered under Medicaid, eliminate tax credits for 28,000 Granite Staters who receive coverage through the federal marketplace, and deny health services to the 12,000 women who depend on Planned Parenthood. The Affordable Care Act is not perfect, but we should work to strengthen the law, not eliminate coverage for tens of thousands of people in New Hampshire.”