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ICYMI: Washington Post Editorial Backs Shaheen Effort to Get Access to "Havana Syndrome" Report & Applauds Legislative Effort to Secure Benefits

This morning, the Washington Post Editorial Board voiced its support for Senator Jeanne Shaheen’s (D-NH) efforts to shed light on mysterious attacks on American public servants serving abroad and, potentially, here at home:   

The cause of the attacks is unknown, but attention has focused on some sort of directed energy device, such as a microwave.

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), who championed legislation passed by Congress to provide care, leave and benefits to State Department officials and family members hit in Cuba and China, is properly seeking to expand it to include all U.S. government officials affected. Meanwhile, the senator and other leading members of the Senate Foreign Relations and Appropriations committees have asked the National Academy of Sciences for a report commissioned by the State Department and completed some months ago into the attacks. The report, still under review at State, was prepared by Stanford University microbiologist David Relman, who told GQ he is frustrated that it hasn’t been made public.

This mystery could — and should — be less mysterious. Congress must have the Relman report and should make it public. That is the first of many steps still needed to identify the perpetrators, protect Americans abroad and respond properly.

Shaheen recently added language to the pending National Defense Authorization bill, which expands long-term, emergency care benefits she secured in government funding legislation signed into law last year to all U.S. Government employees and their dependents who were injured internationally. Last year’s legislation and the benefits it provides currently, does not apply to non-State Department employees. The final defense bill is still being negotiated between the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Shaheen’s measure to amend the law follows her bipartisan letter in May, calling on the administration to interpret the law as intended by Congress.