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Shaheen Statement on Imminent Expiration of Export-Import Bank Charter

(WASHINGTON, DC) – With just hours to go until the expiration of the Export-Import Bank’s charter at midnight tonight, Senator Shaheen made the following statement:

“Since 2007, the Export-Import Bank has supported over 2,300 jobs in New Hampshire. Last year alone, the bank supported $29.2 million in Granite State exports, 60% of which came from small businesses,” said Shaheen. “Over the past few months, I’ve talked to businesses across New Hampshire that export everything from high-tech jet engines to large printing presses with the help of the Export-Import bank. These companies are global leaders in their industries and compete against foreign companies that have robust support from their own governments. By allowing the Export-Import Bank’s charter to expire, Washington is unnecessarily handicapping American businesses. Politicians preventing an extension of the Bank’s charter for ideological reasons are asking businesses and our workers to fight for their products and their jobs with one arm tied behind their back. That’s just irresponsible. Congress should put politics aside and reauthorize the Export-Import Bank immediately, before more jobs are put at risk.”

In March, Senator Shaheen introduced legislation in the Senate to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank through 2022, while increasing the bank’s lending cap and number of loans to small businesses.